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How Does Advanta-STAR Help Dealers Across the Nation Sell More Cars Each Month?

How Does Advanta-STAR Help Dealers Across the Nation Sell More Cars Each Month?

How Does Advanta-STAR Help Dealers Across the Nation Sell More Cars Each Month?

Jun 2, 2024

Jun 2, 2024

Thousands of dealers across the US use Advanta-STAR to sell more cars. How does it work?

Give Your Sales Funnel Super Powers

Advanta-STAR revolutionizes the way dealerships engage with customers and streamlines their sales process, ultimately driving higher sales figures month after month.

At the heart of Advanta-STAR's effectiveness is its ability to transform sales representatives with no additional training into superheroes, equipped with the knowledge and resources to address any customer inquiry or concern.

Advanta-STAR Puts Product Information in the Palm of Your Hand

Whether it's questions about horsepower, safety features, or “how it’s better than the Corolla”, Advanta-STAR empowers salespeople to provide timely and relevant information that instills confidence in customers.

The versatility of Advanta-STAR is unparalleled. Sales reps can access the platform directly from their smartphones, tablets, or desktops ensuring that they have the information they need right at their fingertips, even on the showroom floor.

Additionally, Advanta-STAR's comprehensive database can be accessed at any time, allowing reps to study and familiarize themselves with product details and comparisons at their own convenience, further enhancing their expertise and effectiveness.

Advanta-STAR is like having hundreds of resources all in one place.

Advanta-STAR Brings Customers From Your Virtual Lot to Your Physical Lot

In today's digital age, customers increasingly arrive at dealerships with preconceived notions and extensive research conducted online. Recognizing this trend, Advanta-STAR facilitates seamless integration with dealership websites and social media platforms, enabling customers to access product comparisons and detailed information effortlessly.

By providing customers with the tools to become informed experts, dealerships can eliminate any hesitation or uncertainty, leading to smoother sales processes and increased closing rates.

In essence, Advanta-STAR empowers dealerships to elevate the customer experience, turning each interaction into an opportunity to build trust and drive sales.

With Advanta-STAR as your secret weapon, your dealership will not only meet but exceed customer expectations, resulting in a steady influx of satisfied buyers and higher sales volumes month after month.